Thursday, November 18, 2010


The first time we spoke
Over a song. Over a joke.
Sudden friends

The very first spark
In a bus. In the dark.
But you didn't notice

Our first week across states
Couldn't stand it. Couldn't wait.
To see you again

Your first confession
Changing course. Confusion.
Pulse escalates

First kiss
Bliss. Bliss.
Heaven in your arms


wheatgerm said...

nice poem eh

Susie Rosso Wolf said...

I see by the date on your blog that you have not been posting in quite a while. to that I must say keep writing. Your poetic ability is keen, don't stop.

Drop by new prairie woman to say hello


Pakistani Teenager said...

wow i'm loving your poetry !
em your new follower now! :)

Unknown said...

What a nice poem!
Thank you for passing by my poetry blog as well!

Shauna said...

very sweet.

Past and future said...

Genius :3


when language like bubbling streams flow

when words are laid down to fit like lovers' hands

when you feel the essence of the poet from within

when swirling thoughts are caught in the net of rhythm

when images reel as you read

when pen and paper create a symphony

then, it is poetry