Big shoulders strong enough
To protect
From everything
Speeding car, leering men, broken heart
Eyes that twinkle more often
Than they cloud
With anger or fear
Light brown pools of hidden emotion
Never perfect, yet seeming just so
Yet more than lazy enough to be human
Downs a pint of whiskey (only the best)
A gentleman
Loose, but never a drunken swagger
The smoothest driver, shifting gears
With ease
That cannot be taught, only admired
The kite flyer, the ocean swimmer
And carefree
The one who taught me to ride a wave
Brimming with stories and terrible jokes
A father
A friend
Switching between roles seamlessly
Hello my name is Alice, an this poems is very beautiful. I´m from to Spain and hope that understanding my inglish. Nice to meet you. Alice Alexander.
Hello, my name is Alice, and you poems is very beautiful. I´m from Spain,and my inglish is bad, I hope that you undertanding me. Kisses.Alice Alexander
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