Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Letting Go

Face to face, eye to eye
You're all I ever wanted
I turn away with a sigh
I'm forced to let you go

Hand in hand, it's still a lie
I want an impossible future
I smile, inside I cry
For everything I'm losing

Illusions everywhere around
Who knows right from wrong?
We speak without a sound
Everything and nothing makes sense

We are simply two freinds
We try to convince ourselves
But in this profound silence
Our Love betrays us

Shower Tears

When you leave, I climb into the shower
Sorrow, pain like skyscrapers tower
I sing to clear my rain clouded mind
In this cubicle I stand confined
And the tears rain invisible
My knees bend, unstable
I fall, all my pride disappears
And in its place fills cold fear
The water rinses my face
My tears don't leave a trace
But it cannot rinse my soul
Of all the hurt it holds


when language like bubbling streams flow

when words are laid down to fit like lovers' hands

when you feel the essence of the poet from within

when swirling thoughts are caught in the net of rhythm

when images reel as you read

when pen and paper create a symphony

then, it is poetry