Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Abstract Mind

A heart, Artistic
A life, Mystic
These hands, creating
These eyes, ever searching

What things unseen, catch my eye
As a world of normality passes by:
Delicate white lace in the breaking tide
A lost feeling in memory revived,
The curve of a hip in sand dunes,
Silver fairy dust in craters of the moon,
The sweat of labour in melting ice,
Twinkling diamonds in the eyes of surprise,
The stench of murder in a matador's red
Twisted lies in golden truth said
The depth of the past in a bottle of ink,
Desperate clasping hands in chain links.

This mind, heady with Fantasy
This mind, severed from Reality
This mind, straying from Fact
This mind, Unreal, Abstract.


Anonymous said...

mari i love it !!
what the hell does it mean ??
i still luv ya!!

Imperfect said...

its about random observations made by an artist at heart.


when language like bubbling streams flow

when words are laid down to fit like lovers' hands

when you feel the essence of the poet from within

when swirling thoughts are caught in the net of rhythm

when images reel as you read

when pen and paper create a symphony

then, it is poetry